An Experience in the French Embassy of Australia

Lauren is a fourth-year student at the University of Wollongong in NSW, studying a Bachelor of Laws (honours) and Bachelor of International Studies (honours). Lauren participated in a three-day “Embassy Takeover” program at the French Embassy in Canberra, which was facilitated by the ‘Girls Run the World’ organisation. Lauren has also recently returned from an 8-month exchange in Paris, France, where she undertook a semester of tertiary study in English and French. Both opportunities were extraordinarily formative and empowering experiences that reinvigorated Lauren’s desire to pursue an internationally-reaching career which connects her to communities across the world.

You can read about her testimony in the Embassy below, and be inspired to take part next year! 

I believe that programs centred on exposure and empowerment, such as Study Abroad Semesters and Embassy Takeovers, are doorways to eye-opening opportunities that are
essential in shaping and bolstering the early aspirations and confidence of young women who are contemplating futures in leadership and diplomacy.
Particularly, I am inspired by, and passionate about ‘taking over’ spaces (like diplomatic missions) which haven’t previously been ‘for’ women.
During my time at the French Embassy, I had the opportunity to network with trail-blazing women in diplomacy who are equally as adamant about increasing the representation of
women in multilateral spaces.

In particular, I was able to ask questions about what it takes to forge a successful, international career as a woman. Each interaction and discussion revealed to me a resounding truth: we have to practise feeling out-of-place and unsure, until we have convinced ourselves that we belong. This sentiment is true in every aspect of our lives, whether it be learning a new language, studying in a foreign country, or interning at an Embassy. Certainly, a meaningful and purpose-driven career begins with our own initiative; seeking-out diverse opportunities for growth and development, and intentionally investing in the creation of a strong network of like-minded peers and role models to guide the way.

It's my belief that real, wide-reaching change starts with individuals, like myself, putting ourselves into those (albeit uncomfortable) spaces together to prove - even just to ourselves - that we not only belong at the table, but most importantly, can be an integral part of international decision and policy-making.

In being afforded the extraordinary opportunity to connect with like-minded women through the GRTW program, I have catalysed my own journey towards taking over a seat at the table of global diplomacy, and am more determined than ever to become a part of the world of foreign affairs.


If you are interested in joining Girls Run the World next year, reach out to their team based in Canberra at :

Find out more here.

Follow the main steps to come study in France
