CampusArt is a network of over 700 programs of art, architecture, cinema, visual design and more, offered in France! There are bachelor, Masters, postgraduate, and PhD level courses for all students interested in the arts ! Apply now!
Online applications for art and architecture studies are open on CampusArt network website until February 29, 2024.
CampusArt General Information
CampusArt offers students and institutions a global application and enrolment tool.
The CampusArt network offers a wide choice of programs in art tailored to the needs of the international students, at all levels of study (preparatory classes, Bachelor, Master, Post-Master levels and PhD). The platform is led by Campus France, with the support of the Ministries of Higher Education, Resarch and Innovation, Europe and Foreign Affairs and Culture, and the ANdÉA (Association Nationale des Écoles Supérieures d’Art).
There are currently more than 700 programs, mainly run by public or private universities and tertiary schools of art, music, fashion, design and architecture. They are presented in the CampusArt Catalogue.
A unique application process
Applications go through the TOUCAN portal here.
Applicants complete a unique online application form that is accessible by all member institutions.
Applications can be submitted to several institutions, then be tracked until one or more offers of admission are received.
CampusArt uses simple and remote admission without an entrance examination or in person inscription!
CampusArt is free until the applicant chooses to accept an offer of admission, so there’s no reason to hesitate!

Art studies
Create Art
The CampusArt network is focused on fine or visual arts, design, applied arts, fashion, architecture, music, cinema, video, dance, graphic design and music. The network comprises both private and public tertiary schools offering programs geared towards candidates destined for a career in art in various creative fields.
Study/Manage Art
The network incorporates universities that offer not only many theoretical programs, but also management programs for a career in art. The network constitutes a center of excellence in French tertiary education. Cultural operators, event managers, directors and managers of artistic companies and various cultural centers of all kinds throughout the country now boast extensive and widely recognised know-how. Theorists and art critics, as well as “cultural managers” often come from universities.
Art in the LMD system

Architecture studies
The country’s Écoles Nationales Supérieures d’Architecture (ENSA) together enroll approximately 19,000 students, 12% of whom are international students. The proportion of women in ENSA enrollments continues to grow, standing presently at 57%. About 85% of graduates find employment in the field. Postsecondary studies in architecture cover the range of disciplines necessary to carry out architectural projects in cities as well as landscapes.
Architecture in the LMD system
Architecture studies are organised into 3 stages harmonised with the European LMD system, thus facilitating transfers, exchanges, mobility, and international partnerships.
- The first stage, lasting 3 years, is organised into 6 distinct semesters (180 ECTS). Upon completion, students receive the Diplôme d’Études en Architecture (DEEA), which is equivalent to the Bachelor (Licence).
- The second stage, which lasts 2 years (120 ECTS), leads to the Diplôme d’État d’Architecte (DEA) which is equivalent to a Master.
The DEA opens the way to advanced study leading to the Diplômes nationaux de Spécialisation et d’Approfondissement en architecture (DSA) and Diplômes Propres aux Écoles d’Architecture (DPEA) which require 1-2 years of work.
Students who earn a DEA with a research focus may enroll in a Doctoral program in one of 40 research labs maintained by the ENSAs in cooperation with university Doctoral departments. Approximately 100 candidates choose to pursue a Doctorate in architecture each year.
Tips: Some schools propose dual degrees in architecture and engineering, in cooperation with nearby schools of engineering. Students who complete the special curriculum receive a professional degree in architecture and the Titre d’ingénieur equivalent to a Master in engineering. Students must begin the dual curriculum in their first year of training.
Check if you have the required level
Depending on the training chosen, you will have to present a year 12 certificate (baccalaureate level), or one, two or three years of tertiary study in art or architecture.
You can apply even if you have not yet graduated. If you are currently obtaining a year 12 level or another diploma, simply indicate your diploma in progress when submitting your application. You can update your file later even after sending your application.
(See the prerequisites for each training course in the online CampusArt catalogue)
Justify a certain level of French
Warning! Foreign students may require proof a French competency. Generally, the B2 level required in licence, DNA, DMA or DEEA, and the C1 level in Master, DNSEP DSAA or DEA.
You can apply even if you have not yet obtained your French level certificate. If you are in the process of obtaining your French certificate, simply indicate “in progress” and submit your application.
Present your work online
For the courses that ask for it, present your portfolio (paintings, photographs, videos, …) on the Internet (website, blog, link to a PDF containing all the required items, …).
Only the content of the website, and not the format, will be taken into consideration; it is in no way necessary to use sophisticated presentations with animations or other effects.
- until February 29, 2024: Opening of CampusArt website. Students complete electronic application
- February 29, 2024: Applications deadline. Pre-selected applicants will undergo phone, skype or email interviews.
- April 30, 2024: Results announced on the CampusArt platform.
- April 30, 2024 – May 31, 2024: Students accept or decline admission offers on their CampusArt account
- May 31, 2024: Deadline for students to confirm choice of school on their CampusArt account.
- End of May 2024: Preparation and submission of original certificates preregistration by institutions to CampusArt. CampusArt sends certificates to registered students.

Students accepted into Campus Art programs in 2024 are eligible for the Nicholas Baudin Travel Grant, if their program starts in August-September 2024 !
The Embassy of France in Australia sponsors students from Australia to study in France by covering their plane tickets up to 2500$AUD. More information about this grant here.