There are several tools that can help you select the program that corresponds to your level and area of studies in French higher education.
At Bachelor's level
If you are looking for a Bachelor's level programme, check the catalogue of Bachelor's programmes (updated in January, March and October).
You can study towards several degrees until the Bachelor's level (1st-year undergraduate, 2nd-year undergraduate or 3rd-year undergraduate):
- The DU (Diplôme d’Université - University Degree)
- The BTS (Brevet de Technicien Supérieur - 2-year technical degree)
- CPGE (Classes Préparatoires aux Grandes Ecoles - Preparatory Classes for the Grandes Ecoles)
- DMA (Diplôme des Métiers d’Art - Arts & Crafts Degree)
- The licences, licences professionnelles, Bachelor's

At Masters's level
To find a programme at the Master's level, the Campus France Master's catalogue (updated in January, March and October) can help you.
At Master's level you can study :
- Engineering degrees
- MiM (Master in Management)
- MSc (Master of Science),
- DNSEP (Diplôme National Supérieur d’Expression Plastique - Higher National Degree in Visual Expression) and State architecture degrees
- Master in Grandes Ecoles

Arts Program
Campusart Catalogue is dedicated to programs in arts, music, fashion, design, architecture...
It lists all arts training for FLE (French as a foreign language) + Art preparatory classes, Bachelor's, Master's, post-master's or Doctorate offered by institutes that are members of the CampusArt network.

Finding a Doctoral level program
Check our "Research" portal. It lists the Doctoral schools and has a number of Doctoral programmes, Master's and Post-Doctorate internships.

Studying in English in France
You can also study in English in France. Universities and Grandes Ecoles have developped nearly 1400 programs taught almost entirely in English. Have a look at the catalogue Programs taught in English.

Short programs
You can also go to France for a short period of time, whether you wish to improve your French or to specialise in a specific subject, you will find the perfect summer/winter school online. Check the catalogue of short programs.
French + Sciences is a short program designed for students interested in learning French in connection with their scientific field. It is run in summer in France for 4 weeks, allowing students to attend lab visits and travel a French region with a scientific lens, while learning French. More information here.