A program that supports students from Australia completing studies, exchange or an internship in France by covering the cost of plane tickets to France up to 2500$!
Applications for the Nicolas Baudin Travel Grant are now closed for 2024. Apply again in May 2025.
The Embassy of France in Australia supports university student mobility from Australia to France through the Nicolas Baudin Program, named for the French explorer and botanist who in 1802, at the same time as Matthew Flinders, charted the coast of New Holland (Australia).
The Travel Grant covers the cost of a return flight ticket between Australia and France (up to the value of AUD$2500). As recipients of a French government grant, the Laureates are also exempt from paying the 99€ application fee associated with their student visa.
For information about the Baudin Grant, please read the 2023 guide attached on this page.
As of 2023, there are no scholarships or grant opportunities for French students coming to Australia.
Australian students can apply through any of the following frameworks:
- Students enrolled at an Australian university seeking to undertake a research internship in a French laboratory in collaboration with a French company in the framework of the Internships in France Initiative.
- Students enrolled at an Australian university taking part in an exchange program / study abroad at a French establishment.
- Students pursuing a full degree at a French university, including double degrees jointly offered by a French and an Australian university.
For further information or questions, please consult the FAQ before contacting education.canberra-amba@diplomatie.gouv.fr

- Students from all fields and disciplines are eligible to apply.
- Students enrolled in Undergraduate, Honours, Masters programs are eligible to apply for the general stream. PhD students are not eligible. Further information on mobility for PhD students can be found here.
- Australian citizens and international students enrolled in Australian universities are eligible to apply. French citizens are not eligible. Binational citizens will be considered at the discretion of the Embassy.
- A proof of proficiency in French is required of students enrolling in programs which are taught in French.
- The Nicolas Baudin Travel Grant can only be awarded once.
Applications are open from now until 31 May 2024. The application form can be found at the bottom of this page.
Required documents to apply:
- The application form, filled out correctly and sent in PDF form.
- An up-to-date Curriculum Vitae.
- An official signed letter of acceptance from your university of your exchange, or a letter of acceptance from the host university in France.
- Copies of your academic transcripts and/or qualifications.
- Referee Appraisal supporting your application for the Baudin Grant (Academic or Professional referee required)
- Copy of Passport. This must be a legible image or PDF scan.
All documents should be in PDF form, labelled "LAST NAME_FIRST NAME_Application Form", "LAST NAME_FIRST NAME_CV", "LAST NAME_FIRST NAME_Support letter", etc.
The application form must be filled out correctly and sent to education.canberra-amba@diplomatie.gouv.fr, with all the requested documents.
Incomplete applications will not be processed. The acceptance letters will be accepted late to complement your application, but they must be received before the 1st of July 2024.
For further information or questions, please consult the FAQ or contact education.canberra-amba@diplomatie.gouv.fr
The application outcomes will be released in July 2024.
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