University Short Program Funding (French-Australian Summer Schools)
The Embassy of France in Australia supports the establishment of short-term programs in the form of summer (or winter) schools co-organised by French and Australian tertiary education institutions, and bringing together students from both countries around a theme of common interest.
The objectives of the Short Program Funding are:
- To support innovative initiatives in Franco-Australian university cooperation,
- To boost student mobility between the two countries (in particular the mobility of Australians toward France),
- To support the construction of ambitious institutional partnerships between French and Australian institutions,
- To contribute to the constitution of sustainable scientific communities around themes of common interest for both countries.
The selected project benefits from financial support from the embassy up to 4000 € (approx. 6000 $ AU, subject to current exchange rate) to contribute toward the organisation costs of the school.
Types of projects funded
Projects eligible to apply for the Short Program Funding are:
- Short-term programs (1 to 4 weeks maximum), which can be held at any time of the year (e.g. "summer/winter schools" etc) in France or Australia, as long as it takes place before 31 December of that year;
- Training programs involving students of all levels (undergraduate through PhD); this program is not intended to support the organisation of scientific seminars; two programs to support the organisation of scientific seminars are also proposed by the Embassy and the AFRAN Association. However, it is possible to combine these tools by proposing, around the same theme, a scientific seminar and a short program and to apply for funding for both programs.
Embassy funding is awarded to the Australian university participating in the project. Successful projects can receive up to 4000€ (approx. 6000 $ AU, subject to current exchange rate).
The funding attributed by the Embassy aims to contribute to the handling of organisation costs of the schools (travel of the participants, hiring of rooms or material, promotional expenses…)
The project leaders should also indicate in their application the origin and amount of other sources of funding (host institutions, registration fees, sponsors, patrons).
Procedure and Calendar
The call for projects is open until the 30th of June 2024! If you have a summer school project in mind between two universities or institutions, please contact
Click here to download the application file. The file should be completed by the Australian university involved in the project and to be sent to the following address:
The selected project must take place before December 31, 2024.
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