From national recognition, accreditation or other certifications and labels, there are many indicators for assessing the quality of an institution of higher education and the value of the training and degrees that it provides.
Campus France has a number of tools and tips that help you in your research.
The national degree: a guarantee of quality
In France, a degree is considered 'national' when it is recognised and accredited, by the State. This recognition is a guarantee of quality. It involves the following degrees:
- the Brevets de Technicien Supérieur (BTS - two-year technical degree), Diplômes Universitaires Technologiques (DUT - two-year technical degrees), licences and licences professionnelles (Bachelor's degrees), Master's and the Doctorates awarded by French universities;
- the title of Engineer, which confers the rank of Master, awarded by the CTI (Commission des Titres d’Ingénieurs - Engineering Title Commission);
- degrees from business and management schools that are certified by the CEFDG (Commission d’Evaluation des Formations et Diplômes de Gestion- Management Training and Degree Evaluation Commission);
- professional training registered with the Répertoire National des Certifications Professionnelles (RNCP - National Registry of Professional Certification);
- specific training (architecture, arts, political science, etc.) certified by the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation.
When a degree is not recognised by the State, it bears the name of the institute that awarded it. It may have value on the work market, but does not necessarily provide an equivalence enabling the bearer to continue their studies. It may also have an impact on the ability to obtain a student visa. All institutions recognised by Campus France are listed in the online resource centre here, with information about the programs, the region, and the student services available for international students.

Accreditation for business and management schools
The accreditation guarantees the quality of the training and the degrees awarded by the institution. For business and management schools, there are independent associations or foundations that award the accreditation, such as:
- AACSB : Association for the Advancement of Collegiate Schools of Business;
- AMBA : Association of MBAs;
- EFMD : European Foundation for Management Development.
To maintain these accreditations, institutions are periodically reevaluated.
Certification labels for engineering schools and Grandes Ecoles
The certification labels are reliable indicators when evaluating the quality of an institute. There are two for training in the engineering sciences:
- EUR-ACE: Accreditation of European Engineering Programs;
- QUESTE: Quality System of European Scientific and Technical Education.
The Conférence des Grandes Ecoles (CGE) assigns two specific certification labels to the Grandes Ecoles:
- the Mastère Spécialisé (MS - Specialist Master's), which certifies a level of training equivalent to six years of post-secondary study in a post-master's specialisation programme. It is reserved for management schools, engineering schools and certain major institutes such as the Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (CNAM).
- the Master of Science in Management (MSc), which is awarded for 5 years of post-secondary training in management schools or engineering schools. With a strong international orientation, these programmes are generally provided in English for foreign students.
As an international student in France, students' experience depends not only on the quality of the academics, but also on the quality of support services that your institution and community provides. To help students identify institutions with robust support services, and also to create a national framework of standards to guide institutions, Campus France launched a certification program for international student services called the Label Bienvenue en France.

Institution awarded the Label Bienvenue en France meet rigorous criteria for international student support. Support may include:
An on-campus and online ‘Welcome Desk’ that helps international students find housing, understand insurance, open a bank account, enrol in classes, etc.
Degree programs offered in English
French language classes for international students
A ‘Buddy System’, pairing international students with French students to facilitate integration
Assistance in the job search for international students
Support for student and alumni entrepreneurs, including international student start-ups
As of June 2020, nearly 90 institutions in France have been awarded the Label Bienvenue en France. The institutions that have been awarded the Label Bienvenue en France are displayed in any of the Campus France catalogues.
Related contents
- Campus channel (Video presentations of Schools and Degrees)
- Know more about engineer trainings
- Know more about management trainings
- Know more about trainings offered by Grandes Ecoles