Discover the different ways to apply for university admission in France by clicking on your situation below.
Your options to enrol in French Tertiary Studies
To enroll into first year of a French degree at the Bachelor (licence) level, a number of different procedures exist depending on the student’s nationality, high-school leaving certificate, and what study program they intend to undertake:
Parcoursup Procedure
Parcoursup Procedure
This procedure applies to:
- French Candidates: All French candidates, regardless of their secondary education degree (French Baccalaureate, European Baccalaureate, Australian equivalent of the Baccalaureate, etc.),
- Australian candidates who have obtained / are preparing for the French or European Baccalaureate.
- Australian candidates who are applying for a selective non-university undergraduate course (CPGE, BTS, Ecoles, etc.),
- Australian candidates who are applying for a selective undergraduate course at a French university (DUT, DEUST, D.U.),
Enrolments must be completed through the Parcoursup website . The Parcoursup platform is open from December each year. Candidates must submit their preferences between January and April each year.
Aditionally, candidats who do not live in Australia may need to apply through "Etudes en France".
Dossier Blanc Procedure (DAP) and Dossier Jaune
Dossier Blanc Procedure (DAP) and Dossier Jaune
This procedure applies to:
- Australian candidates who are applying for a non-selective undergraduate degree at a French university.
- To enrol in the first year of a French undergraduate degree, you must complete the Dossier Blanc procedure. In order to apply through this procedure please complete the following:
- Read through the Guide to the process attached at the bottom of this page
- Complete the Form attached at the bottom of this page (*These will expire after the submission deadline and will be replaced with the next year’s version when the next application period opens.)
- Send all the documents to the French Embassy by the closing date.
- For a list of universities concerned by the DAP application, please consult this site.
Calendar of Inscriptions in University in France through the Dossier Blanc for the 2024/2025 intake:
Registration opens 1 October 2023
Closing date for applications 15 December 2023
You can send up to 3 applications, each application will be examined at the same time by the 3 universities you have applied to.
Response from the universities and acceptance proposals: before 30 April 2024.
The universities will be able to inform you of any proposed exemptions you may be eligible for.
Acceptance or Refusal of offers by the student: by 31 May 2024 at the latest.
If you have received several offers of acceptance, you will have to make a choice.
Please note that if you do not reply before 31 May, the absence of a reply will be considered as a refusal.
Australian applicants are required to have the following high school diploma, according to their State of residence:
- NSW : Higher School Certificate (HSC)
- ACT : ACT Senior Secondary Certificate (ACT SSC)
- WA, SA, QLD, VIC, TAS, NT : State Certificate of Education (WACE, SACE, QCE, VCE, TCE, NTCET or similar)
- International Baccalaureate (IB) students should provide their IB certificate.
This is a basic requirement. Each university may apply additional entry requirements.
You will be required to provide proof of your French language skills. Candidates are required to have a minimum B2 level of French, as proven by the DELF/DALF exam. Those who do not have the DELF or DALF must contact their local Alliance Française ASAP to undertake a TCF test.
- If you have not yet passed one of these exams, the TCF must be done before the 17th of February 2024.
- The TCF exams happen a few times a year, in the local Alliance Française.
- If you have recently succeeded in passing one of these exams but have not yet received your diploma, you may provide your attestation de réussite (confirmation of accomplishment) in the meantime, and forward a copy of the diploma to us one you receive it.
You should fill out one separate Dossier Blanc for each of the three degrees for which you apply. Please do not staple any pages.
You must provide certified translations of any document which not already in French (ie birth certificate and school grades). For a list of ceritified translators, please consult 1165. Please ensure all printed or photocopied documents are of the highest quality and resolution possible.
Your application must be sent in the post to:
Tallis Everard
Higher Education Officer - Dossiers Blancs
Embassy of France
6 Perth Avenue
ACT 2600
Registered post with tracking is highly recommended. You may send a scanned copy of your completed DAP with proof of postage to Please note that this is in addition to, not instead of, the physical copy sent by mail.
The deadline for submission of applications to the Embassy is 15 December 2023.
A list of universities concerned by the Dossier Blanc procedure is available here.
For more information please visit the Ministry of Higher Education Research and Innovation.
If you have any questions, please consult the FAQ before sending an email to:
Dossier Jaune Procedure (DAP)
This procedure applies to:
- Australian candidates who are applying for a National Specialist School of Architecture (ENSA).
This applies for candidates who are applying for entry into a national architecture degree at the licence or master levels.
In order to apply through this procedure please complete the following:
- Read through the Note aux Candidats Sollicitant Une Première Inscription Dans Une Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture.*
- Complete the Formulaire Demande d’Admission Préalable 2023-2024.* (These links will expire after the submission deadline and will be replaced with the next year’s version when the next application period opens.)
All other applicable conditions are the same as the Dossier Blanc Procedure (above).
Other Situations
Other Situations
The Dossier Blanc and ParcourSup are not the only methods of entry into first year university courses in France- it is possible to gain entry in January/ February at certain universities/ schools. In most cases, applications are made directly to the university. If you require information on alternate entrance pathways into first year university courses outside the Dossiers Blancs and Plan Étudiants systems, please be sure to contact the admissions office of the specific university or school you are interested in.
Enrolling in a French institution at second/third year of an undergraduate course, or any postgraduate level course
- All applicants who wish to register for the second/third year of a Bachelor or a Master or Doctorate must enquire and apply directly with the institution concerned.
Returning to first-year study as a mature-age student
- People who have already held a high school diploma for several years and wish to undertake retraining of the basics in their field, professional development, or a new education with an aim to change professional activity (reconversion), are more likely to be directly supported by those involved in continuing education in the field. For answers specific to their needs, the "Parcours+" module, accessible from Parcoursup, allows access to the offers of continuing education in universities, or to a consultancy service for professional development. However, they can register on Parcoursup to express interest in an undergraduate course.
Foreign nationals residing in Australia
- The Parcoursup procedure applies to European Union nationals
- If you are from a country with an EEF procedure, you can pass through their system for your visa and inscription in French studies.
- To check your situation please visit Venir étudier en France
CampusArt Procedure
This procedure applies to:
- All candidates who are applying for other courses in art, music, fashion, design or architecture at one of the CampusArt member schools and universities.
Please visit the CampusArt website for a list of the programs concerned and to submit your application.
For more information regarding the application procedures, please visit the following pages:
Venir étudier en France.
If you have any questions, please consult the FAQ before sending an email to:
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