Study in France via e-Learning or Distance Learning


Campus France's catalogue “Back to Campus online” presents degree programs open to international students from the academic year 2020 : there are around 700 degrees offering study online options at French universities, with half of these available fully online!

The catalogue presents all 100% online degree programs and hybrid degree programs (onsite and offsite).

The training courses are offered in French or English by French higher education institutions, and cover the main fields of engineering, administration, management, law, finance, IT, urban planning, design, and more, at all levels.

MOOC (Massive Online Open Courses), SPOC (Small Private Open Courses), FOAD (Formation Ouvertes A Distance - Remote open training), digital resources etc. There are many ways to take your studies online.

Choose your degree program

You can choose your field of study directly from the catalogue homepage. You can use several filters to target your choice:

  • Degree programs partly or fully online;
  • Language of instruction: French, English or even another language;
  • Level of qualification delivered.

Each listing contains a description of the prerequisites and the online ressources offered (support, library and more), the dates for application and the direct contacts of the person in charge of the training course.

The catalogue is available in French and in English, and comes with training courses equipped with geo-tracking.


Begin your studies online, continue in France

Registering to an online degree program from a French higher education institution is currently the best way to get to know the institution that will later welcome in France.

Click here to discover the latest online degree program offers in the catalogue “Back to Campus online”.

French speaking university ressources

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The Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF - Francophone University Agency) has encouraged the development of online and correspondence courses by institutes of higher education in Francophone countries.

In collaboration with the University of Valencienne (France) and La Teluq (Quebec), the AUF created a meta portal called IDNEUF - Initiative pour le Développement Numérique de l’Espace Universitaire Francophone (Initiative for Digital Development of the French-Speaking Higher Education Area). It offers about 50,000 education resources of various types (lessons, tutorials, exercises, guides) free of charge. IDNEUF is designed for various audiences (students, professors, teachers-researchers, engineers, technicians) sharing a common interest for the use of digital technology in education.

Remember to check the MOOC Francophone search engine -  it lists all of the online courses provided in French. They are classed by type (free or paid), field, platform and institute.

Several possibilities

Note the difference between:

  • MOOC (Massive Online Open Course): free, offered on a platform for a limited-time session. You may have to pay to obtain certification. An MOOC does not confer a diploma; it provides you with complementary training on a specific subject. France's MOOC platform FUN for "France Université Numérique" (France Digital University) is open to everyone and offers over 300 free online courses across nearly 50 different diciplines. Some of the courses are provided in English too. It involves the participation of over 80 French educational institutions. Classes begin throughout the year, so the beginning of the academic year is not necessarily in September.


FUN (France Université Numérique) logo

To learn more about the french degrees and institutions offering study online options, please visit Back to campus online.

Follow the main steps to come study in France
