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Teaching Assistants - FAQ


Language Teaching Assistants - FAQ

General Questions


When will applications open?

  • Metropolitan France: Applications generally open around December for a contract beginning in October of the next calendar year.
  • New Caledonia / Wallis+Futuna: Applications generally open around July for a contract beginning in March of the next calendar year.

I’ve never done a DELF test and I’m not sure what my official French level is. Can I still apply?

  • Yes. Your French teacher will identify your French level on their appraisal form.

Who can fill out my appraisal form?

  • The teacher’s appraisal form (fiche d’appreciation) must be filled out by a qualified French teacher. If you do not currently have a French teacher (ie you stopped studying French in high school,) you should reach out to one who has taught you previously. You can solicit this appraisal from any qualified French teacher who knows you well enough to be able to evaluate your current level of French - It can be done by your French teacher from high school, Alliance Française or tutoring service, providing they are a qualified teacher. A French-speaking friend or uncertified tutor cannot complete this appraisal. In some cases, if you have no current teacher but do have a DELF certificate, you may submit this instead. If you are still unable to submit anything for the fiche d’appreciation, please contact before submitting your application.

I’m learning French and I should catch up to a B1 level by the time I get to France. Can I still apply?

  • You must be at a B1 level at the time of application, as indicated on your appraisal form. Although living in immersion in France is a great opportunity to improve your own language skills, your role is to help teach pupils English (not the other way around!) If you’re at an A1 or A2 level, you’re encouraged to keep learning and apply for a future round.

I’m not currently enrolled at university. Am I eligible?

  • Yes, the language assistants program run by France Education International and the Embassy of France is aimed at young people from the age of 18-35. The timing of the program makes it difficult to do while still studying unless you take a study break, so the program is best aimed at those who have just graduated and are looking for some professional experience.
  • If unsure, please contact to verify your eligibility.

I’m a qualified teacher/I am over the age limit. Can I apply?

  • This is a program of youth exchange and work experience; as such it is specifically designed to give university students their first teaching experience, with the objective of allowing them a formative experience under the guidance of a professional French teacher. It is an opportunity for young adults to gain some professional work experience before graduating, and is not designed for qualified teachers. The program is also part of the strategy of the French Ministry of Education and Youth for promoting international student mobility. For more information please see France Education International.

What should I indicate as my level of studies in the application?

  • The level of studies corresponds to the number of years of full-time tertiary studies you have completed. Please indicate the most recent full year completed, and ensure the question "Diplome obtenu (Obtained/Passed)?" is switched to "Oui".
  • L1 = first year of undergraduate (bachelor) studies
    L2 = second year undergraduate (bachelor) studies
    L3 = third year of undergraduate (bachelor) studies
    M1 = first year of postgraduate studies (masters or bachelor honours year)
    M2 = second year of postgraduate studies
  • e.g. If you are currently in your third year of undergraduate studies, please indicate L2 and ensure the question "Diplome obtenu?" is switched to "Oui".

The application platform says the campaign is not open for France / I can't select my destination (Section 3).

  • Please ensure the question "Diplome obtenu?" is switched to "Oui". If the problem persists, please consult the candidate guide.

I'm having trouble filling out the application formula. Where can I get help?

  • Metropolitan France : All applications must be submitted on the ADELE platform.
  • New Caledonia : Please use a word processor (for best results use Microsoft Word) to type your responses and select from options in drop-down menus.
  • Please contact before submitting your application for any other questions about the submission forms.

My completed application file is too large to send by email. Can I send a cloud storage link?

  • No. The size of the documents attached to the pdf must remain below 5MB. Please compress or reduce the resolution of your passport, enrolment or transcript scans.

Do I have to pay for an academic transcript?

  • Certain universities provide a statement of results or unofficial academic transcript for free. Please see acceptable examples here. If your university cannot provide any of the suitable documents, you must buy a transcript. Screenshots of your grades online will not be accepted.

What kind of ID photo should I use with my application?

  • This should be a headshot based on international passport norms. You do not have to get this done professionally, but it should conform to the size and style required. See here for tips.

Can you offer advice/feedback on my application?

  • No. Due to the large number of applications, we cannot offer any feedback to individuals before or after submission.

I didn’t hear from my French teacher in time to submit my application before the deadline - Can I still apply?

  • No. Please ensure you commence the application process as early as possible. Late applications are not accepted.

I’m not sure I’ll be available for the period indicated. Can I still apply?

  • No. Before applying for the program, you must verify that you will be available for the entire period of the contract – these dates cannot be changed. If you withdraw at any time after submitting an application, you will be disqualified from reapplying.
  • Verify that you are able to defer your university course if your application is successful
  • Verify that you have sufficient finances to support yourself for seven months
  • Verify that your family and job situation will allow you to be away for seven months
  • You may also want to check whether you could get credit for the program towards your degree as a bonus

How likely is it that I will get placed in my city of preference?

  • Your preference for a region will certainly be considered in your successful application and your assignment to an académie, who then manage your placement in a school within their region. Note that the name of the académie does not necessarily mean you will be placed in that city - for example the Académie de Bordeaux extends all the way down to the border of Spain. We cannot guarantee you get your regional preference, so please do not to apply for the program if your primary reason for staying in France is outside the language assistants program (ie to be with your partner/friends/family, to enrol in a course at university etc). Any candidate who withdraws because they didn’t get the region they wanted will not be considered again.

Can I leave Australia early to take a holiday before the contract begins?

  • Please leave any holiday plans until after the end of your contract. Non-European citizens must obtain a visa in Australia before leaving the country. The date of validity of your visa will correspond closely with the beginning of your activity in France. If you book flights to arrive before your visa period, or if you book to leave Australia before you have received your visa, the Embassy will not be able to help.

Can I travel around Europe outside my time working as an assistant?

  • Yes. During your contract, your visa will allow you to travel within Europe. In addition to this, Australian citizens have the right to travel as a tourist within Europe for up to 90 days within a 180-day period. You do not need to leave the Schengen Zone to begin your 90 days without a visa, it will begin automatically from the last day of your visa.

When I’m a language assistant, can I have another part-time job?

Can I study while working as an assistant?

  • No. You cannot enrol as a student because the assistant visa is not a student visa. (You might be able to attend courses at a uni without enrolling - Please approach the International Student office of the university to find out whether this is possible.)

Can you give me some advice about flights / accommodation / visas / insurance / immigration?

  • Information on all the above will be given to successful candidates after their placement decision.
  • Please note that successful candidates must attend a visa appointment which may require you to travel from your hometown (non-European citizens). For more visa information please visit France Visas
  • As a language assistant, you will have your visa fee at the Consulate waived (€99).
  • Please consider all the costs associated with purchasing flights, accommodation, visas, insurance and immigration before you apply.
  • The salary is the same no matter the region in France, so if you put Paris or Ile-de-France as your region of choice, you must ensure you have enough savings to afford life in Paris.

Can my partner join me in France while I participate in the program?

  • Yes, but they will also be subject to their own individual visa conditions and we will not be able to offer any extra advice or support for their situation. Please consider that the salary of an assistant is not sufficient to support dependents. Please do not apply if your participation is conditional on a third party.

Follow the main steps to come study in France

Published on: 18/01/2022 à 06:26
Updated : 27/01/2025 à 12:41